(For more information on Becoming a BBFI Missionary, you can read that article here.)
The mission of the World Initiative Network is to mobilize skilled professionals to serve abroad. With a network of over 23,000 churches worldwide and over 600 missionaries currently serving in over 80 countries, the World Initiative Network, in partnership with BBFI Missions, is uniquely equipped to help you follow God’s call on your life, wherever that may be. Opportunities in church planting, medical missions, and teaching abroad are just a few of the many pathways we offer for missions engagement. Visit https://worldinitiativenetwork.org/ today to see how we can help you reach the world for Christ.
This application process summary is designed to give you an overview of the process to become a WIN Missionary.
STEP ONE Complete the WIN Interest Form by clicking the “Apply Now” button at the top of the website: worldinitiativenetwork.org. Please take time to fill it out in its entirety, then submit. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=UCnYRnlYWkOJEsHla5iCltC7339WPyRCnaUjXc2vYkNUMU5SSkRVNk5PVjBTRDlFRkpGT0JOMzVESCQlQCN0PWcu
STEP TWO A phone Interview with a WIN Office representative will be scheduled after your Interest Form has been received and reviewed.
STEP THREE Following the phone interview, an email with a link to the online application will be sent to you. This is a two-part application process. Once submitted, your paperwork will be reviewed and processed by the WIN Office and follow up conversations will be scheduled as needed.
STEP FOUR Attend one of the scheduled two-day WIN Training sessions located at the WIN Office in Springfield, MO, to finalize acceptance into the WIN Program.
WIN Training and Acceptance – April
WIN Training and Acceptance – August
WIN Training and Acceptance – November