It is our goal to involve as many of our missionaries as possible in the missionary approval process of the Fellowship. If you are a BBFI career missionary who has served at least one term on the field and plan to attend the upcoming Fellowship Meeting on the campus of Mission University, please consider participating in the candidate interview process by serving on one of the sub-committees. Mark your calendar to join us on Wednesday, May 1, at 12:45 PM in the Boonstra Chapel at the former Mission Office location. Please contact Bro. Konnerup’s assistant, Carole Miller, if you are interested in serving on a committee.
In lieu of our annual missionary luncheon, we will be having a Grand Opening Luncheon, Ribbon Cutting, and Tours on May 2nd at our new location. For more details, and to register your attendance before April 18th, please refer to this article.
Visit for more details about the 2024 National Fellowship Meeting.