Two thousand years ago Jesus gave His church the Great Commission. That specific task given then is still the task He gives us today. Even with an ever-changing world, the task remains the same. Essentially, the task involves sending, evangelism, disciple-making, church planting and leading the nations to continue with the task. They are to obey everything Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:18-20. This task is to be carried out among all people and in all places of the earth until Jesus returns.
This is exactly what our missionaries have been doing for the past 74 years of our existence as a movement. I have personally seen the results of these efforts as the churches in Africa, Asia and Latin America are rising up from “Mission Fields” to Mission Forces.” The largest sending agency remains the United States. The Great Commission is still for us. We can’t forget it. It is said that South Korea is second and the Philippines is close behind.
This needs to be seen as a positive sign. This was and is our goal – to teach and train others to do the same worldwide. Missionaries from Latin America are very effective in the Islamic world. We see this from churches in Mexico and Brazil. The churches in Africa are also understanding their responsibility as it relates to the Great Commission. We see this in places like Kenya and Tanzania.
As the West slides into spiritual weakness, missionaries from these other parts of the world, from churches started by our missionaries and those they trained, will play a greater role in this huge task of reaching our world with the Gospel.
It gets even more interesting when you consider we already have missionaries from other countries coming to the USA to reach the unreached. Those coming from around the globe need to be evangelized. We must look at those coming and realize we must reach the “Samaritans” in our own country as we send missionaries to the uttermost.
This is why we must pray for more laborers – church workers, church planters and missionaries. We need church members from our stateside churches to become burdened about those all around us from other countries. The task is big. However, we have a Big, Great God who will help us accomplish the commission He has given us. Let’s go do it!
-by Jon Konnerup, BBFI Mission Director