(a recent prayer letter received from Keith & Lisa Sampson, Estonia)
New Year’s Day, the biggest holiday in Russian culture, offers a unique opportunity to share the gospel. Increasingly over the years, Russians have shown growing interest in how Christmas is celebrated in the West. To build on this, I created a questionnaire, just three questions, focused on New Year’s and Christmas, featuring engaging questions that naturally lead to meaningful gospel conversations. Please pray for open hearts and lasting faith as we share Christ.
This month, I had the opportunity to travel to Riga, Latvia, for the first time. After teaching a group of around 20 men how to use the survey, my wife and I went out to the streets to put it into practice. Remarkably, we had 100% participation – everyone we approached eagerly took part in the survey and heard the gospel. Pray the young lady who was in tears after she heard about Christ, will get saved.
Thanks for your support and prayers for our family. Pray God gives us many more years on the field.
Praise & Prayer: