The BBFI Mission Office has created the “BBFI Missions” app to act as a tool for churches and its members. The design, while carefully constructed, easily connects app users to the Mission Office and the BBFI Missionaries at the palm of their hand.
There are four main tabs at the top of the app. Each tab associates to different areas surrounding BBFI missions–from Mission Office events to missionary information. The “Events” tab lists all the Mission Office annual events along with Contribution cut off dates and when the Office is closed. The “Connect” tab allows users to contact the BBFI Mission Office, search missionaries by name or country, search missionaries by using a map, and links to the Mission Office websites. The “Watch” tab includes videos about the Mission Office and missionaries around the world. The “More” tab consists of the Mission Office’s purpose along with contact information.
Each missionary has a profile located under the “Connect” tab. Their profile includes a picture along with field of service, sending church, and email address. Some missionary profiles have a short bio along with question/answers to get to know them better. Information like their favorite books, where they like to eat or shop, why they surrendered to missions, what their favorite verse is, etc., is listed. The Mission Office updates the bio information on a bi-annual basis so the ability to “Favorite” a missionary was added to connect with them quicker via the pop out menu.
App notifications can be found under the pop out menu in case a user has either turned off notifications or missed a notification.
Quick links to our Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube channel are listed at the top of the app to allow users to connect quickly to our social media. The “BBFI Missions” app works on Android or iPhone and can be downloaded from the respective store.
-by Kena Mann, Mission Office IT Manager