The Mission Office of the BBFI strives to assist churches and their missionaries by providing services to both. One of these services is our annual Missionary Candidate School held each July.
Pastors, missionaries, specialized professionals and Mission Office staff presented a variety of topics for the 18 new missionaries that attended in this year’s Candidate School. The daily sessions were filled with classes specifically tailored to the various phases of the missionary process – from deputation sessions to church planting on the field. Subjects taught included BBFI Philosophy, financial reporting, spiritual preparations, writing support letters, interpersonal relationships, ministry on the foreign field, what pastors and churches expect, missionary kids, and many other topics. The week culminated with a personal challenge from myself as the Mission Director.
Even though the missionaries’ brains were overloaded with so much information, their reactions were very positive. We received many responses such as these:
I appreciate all the time and work that goes into Candidate School. It is very helpful and inspiring to see “the heart for missions” that is displayed through the Mission Office. The training we received was exactly what we needed as we begin deputation. Thank you for everything you do every day for us.
We greatly enjoyed spending time with you, learning from you, and working with you during the BBFI Missionary Candidate School. We learned so much and were so encouraged by you. We felt it was a great success and that the effort and the time you put into training and strengthening us was clearly evident. We feel more confident going forward as new missionaries.
As always, it was a blessing to help prepare these fine couples whom the Lord has called to serve internationally. Missions is what our churches do, and our mission is to start churches worldwide by sending the most prepared, highly qualified missionaries. The BBFI Missionary Candidate School is an integral part of this process.