Every year, it is the intent of the Mission Office to acknowledge missionaries who have reached certain milestones in their ministry. Publicly, we have given awards to those who have reached 30 years or 50 years from the date of their approval. In addition, we send out certificates to others beginning with those who have reached 5-year marks. We will continue to do so, but we also want to encourage you as their sending or supporting pastor and church, to recognize them in whatever fashion you should so choose.
The following missionaries are reaching those important milestones this year in their ministry. If you support CAN missionaries, please contact the Mission Office for their anniversary dates as we are unable to publish their information.
Thank you for your ongoing support of the Baptist Bible Fellowship International missionaries!
First.Last.Name | Field | Award | EligibilityMo | EmailAddress |
Christian & Shawna Hendrick | Congo | 5 | May | christian.hendrick@bbfimissions.org |
Jamie Newell | Ecuador | 5 | May | jamie.newell@bbfimissions.org |
Greg & Mary Albert | Wales | 5 | September | greg.albert@bbfimissions.org |
Kaitlynne & Adriel Ames-Dixon-Yos | Guatemala | 5 | September | kaitlynne.yos@worldinitiativenetwork.org |
Nathan & Tiffany Foltz | Tanzania | 5 | September | nathan.foltz@bbfimissions.org |
Blake & Megan Hunter | South Africa | 5 | September | blake.hunter@bbfimissions.org |
Luz Palavicini | Nicaragua | 5 | September | luz.palavicini@bbfimissions.org |
Joshua & Amanda Allred | Mexico | 10 | May | joshua.allred@bbfimissions.org |
Scott & Dominique Pethtel | Italy | 10 | May | scott.pethtel@bbfimissions.org |
Brian & Rebekah Wright | Wales | 10 | May | brian.wright@bbfimissions.org |
Sam & Megan Beard | Korea | 10 | September | sam.beard@bbfimissions.org |
Matt & Ericka Moeller | Scotland | 10 | September | matt.moeller@bbfimissions.org |
Dustin & Carla Reinhardt | Chile | 10 | September | dustin.reinhardt@bbfimissions.org |
Stan & Jackie Sherwood | Panama | 10 | September | stan.sherwood@bbfimissions.org |
John & Tammy Cooley | Jamaica | 15 | May | john.cooley@bbfimissions.org |
Thomas & Elvira Corbello | Spain | 15 | May | thomas.corbello@bbfimissions.org |
Michael & Tammi Nelson | Australia | 15 | May | michael.nelson@bbfimissions.org |
Jayme Radak | Brazil | 15 | May | jayme.radak@bbfimissions.org |
Allen & Michelle Ketel | Russia | 15 | September | allen.ketel@bbfimissions.org |
Ricky & Jaime Owens | Wales | 15 | September | ricky.owens@bbfimissions.org |
Eric & Amanda Shadle | Ethiopia | 15 | September | eric.shadle@bbfimissions.org |
Mary Herman | STEP | 20 | May | mary.herman@bbfimissions.org |
Keith & Lisa Sampson | Estonia | 20 | May | keith.sampson@bbfimissions.org |
Damian & Ruth Ann Pickett | England | 20 | September | damian.pickett@bbfimissions.org |
Tony & Julie Sullivan | Australia | 25 | May | tony.sullivan@bbfimissions.org |
Jeff & Andrea Williams | Canada | 25 | September | jeff.williams@bbfimissions.org |
Mike & Lenore Mislan | Philippines | 30 | May | mike.mislan@bbfimissions.org |
Andrew & Lisa Simpson | Taiwan | 30 | May | andy.simpson@bbfimissions.org |
Joel & Wendy Solomon | Chile | 30 | May | joel.solomon@bbfimissions.org |
Dan & Meshelle Bowles | Zambia | 30 | September | daniel.bowles@bbfimissions.org |
Paul & Barbara Frizzell | Bolivia | 30 | September | paul.frizzell@bbfimissions.org |
Sam & Carita Masters | Argentina | 30 | September | sam.masters@bbfimissions.org |
Russ & Faye Ivison | England | 35 | May | russ.ivison@bbfimissions.org |
Bill & Theresé Williams | Spain | 35 | May | william.williams@bbfimissions.org |
Tim & Barbara Downs | Ivory Coast | 35 | September | timothy.downs@bbfimissions.org |
Mike & Jill Ivey | Korea | 35 | September | michael.ivey@bbfimissions.org |
Keith & Mariella Mills | Scotland | 35 | September | keith.mills@bbfimissions.org |
David & Peggy Disney | Chile | 40 | May | dave.disney@bbfimissions.org |
Tom & Gail Gritts | England | 40 | May | tom.gritts@bbfimissions.org |
Jack & Joy Loveday | Spain | 40 | May | jack.loveday@bbfimissions.org |
David & Hope Reinhardt | Chile | 40 | May | david.reinhardt@bbfimissions.org |
Rebecca Terrell | Brazil | 45 | May | rebecca.terrell@bbfimissions.org |
James & Phyllis Childress | Panama | 45 | September | james.childress@bbfimissions.org |
Joe & Mary Ann Mohler | Belgium | 45 | September | joe.mohler@bbfimissions.org |
Larry & Jean Taylor | Belgium | 45 | September | larry.taylor@bbfimissions.org |
Fred & Joyce Davis | Canada | 50 | February | fred.davis@bbfimissions.org |
Brenda Hayes | Philippines | 50 | February | brenda.hayes@bbfimissions.org |
Leslie & Donna Garner | Mexico | 50 | May | leslie.garner@bbfimissions.org |
David & Edna Howell | Brazil | 50 | May | david.howell@bbfimissions.org |
Jim & Becky Lee | Mexico | 50 | May | jimmy.lee@bbfimissions.org |
Virginia Masters | Argentina | 50 | May | virginia.masters@bbfimissions.org |
Charles & Jurldean Strong | Mexico | 50 | May | |
Craig & Frances Lingo | Colombia | 50 | September | craig.lingo@bbfimissions.org |