I often have pastors and others tell me that they appreciate the Mission Office and commend me for how well it operates. Every time I hear that I say, “It is because of the great team we have at the Mission Office.” I really mean it when I say that because we have a staff that love missionaries and they see their “job” as a ministry.
Well, one of our great team players is soon to retire. Debbie Schmachtenberger is retiring on April 29, 2021. She was hired by Dr. Boonstra on April 23, 1976. We would like to congratulate her on her 45 years of faithful service. She loves missionaries and helping them any way she can. She has been a great help to me, especially since she knows pretty much every aspect of how this office works. No doubt she is going to be missed.
Please join us in congratulating Debbie in achieving this wonderful milestone by sending an email, letter or video to Jill Wolf (Jill@bbfimissions.com) by April 15. We will compile them all and present them on her final day. We will also recognize her at the upcoming May Fellowship Meeting.
Following are some areas of interest to you that will be turned over to others:
Thank you for taking time to show your appreciation for her 45 years of service.
Following is a link to the Project 938 Podcast — 938 Podcast – March 2. Please take some time to watch it and pass it on to others – especially local pastors that you work with. Also, I have prepared a letter to send to national pastors to invite them to participate in this important endeavor to pray. If you would like a copy of that to share with the national fellowships in your country, let me know. Feel free to translate it into the local language.
It looks like the upcoming May Fellowship Meeting will be held in person, May 3-5. Check out BBFI.org for more details and schedules. We are looking to approve two single ladies and two couples along with reinstating one couple. If you will be here and are interested in sitting on an approval sub-committee Tuesday afternoon and/or will be attending the Missionary Luncheon on Wednesday contact Carole at Carole@bbfimissions.com.
The other day I was looking at the testimony of a missionary couple who were approved in the early 1960s. One of the pastors wrote in their recommendation letter, “We need to approve them and as many others as we can during these uncertain times. People need Jesus!” Even back then people saw the times as “uncertain.” As I think about what might have been going on back then and how things are going on right now, my conclusion is: We live in a fallen world! People really do need Jesus! Thank you for answering the call to go and tell!
Your friend,