It’s always a memorable day when BBFI can award 30- and 50-year awards to very deserving missionaries. During the September meeting, great appreciation was shown to the following missionaries who have faithfully served on their respective fields.
Most of the tenure in Zambia for Danny and Meshelle has been involved in co-founding and teaching the pastor’s course to 70 students at BBC of Zambia, feeding an average of 35 children twice daily, teaching 300 children how to read and write, and establishing a sports outreach and Youth Center. With approximately 1,400 souls won to date, they are asking God for more laborers!
After establishing five churches and being involved in the Bible Institute in Tanzania, their ministry turned to building and directing a youth camp to reach lost young people with the Gospel. While their ministry has seen thousands come to Christ, they have steadfastly continued their work in training more men to expand the ministry there.
Both Joel and Wendy grew up as missionary kids who surrendered as adults to go to Colombia where Wendy was raised. After helping reestablish churches within guerrilla-controlled areas, they felt the need to change fields to Chile leaving the work in Colombia with trained nationals. Along with working in their church in Santiago, Chile, Joel currently serves as president of LOGOS seminary where 70 students are being trained.
Based primarily in the dusty desert of Chihuahua City, Mexico, the Garners have started a number of churches now being led mostly in part by those who were dedicated to the Lord as infants in the early years of their ministry. Building many church buildings, training and sending out their own missionaries, as well as establishing a feeding center and a youth camp have filled their days while God was faithful to uphold them with strength and His presence during times of struggle. Twice they have enjoyed the fruits of their labor as they saw as many as 1,000 from the various churches they started attend a special combined service. They are truly thankful for all that God has done and for the many supporting pastors, churches, and Mission Office staff who have partnered with them in the work.