These are unique times for sure. I don’t have to explain all that is going on since you see it all around you and in the news. Scripture is always right on, especially where it says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. When you look around you that is spot on. Oh yes, we are fighting the coronavirus physically, but the enemy is using it to discourage people, scare people, destroy people, and hinder the cause of the Great Commission. We see this in our country and churches. If you are like me, you have been spending a lot of time in prayer to God who is still in control no matter how things look around us. A great hymn to remember at this time is “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.”
We had our first ever virtual missionary approval due to the coronavirus. The candidates – Tyler Carleton – Nicaragua, Wade and Shannon Cooperrider – Nicaragua, Josh and Teah Lane – Dominican Republic, and Eric and Ashley Woodworth – Honduras – were supposed to be approved in May. I’m happy to announce that they were all approved as career missionaries on Friday, July 17.
We also just had our first ever virtual missionary training due to many in our office being exposed to the coronavirus. Thank the Lord no one contracted the virus from those contacts. That is truly an answer to prayers! A third of our sessions for Advanced Mission Training (formerly known as Candidate School) were by Zoom sessions and two-thirds by recorded sessions. In person is much better for many obvious reasons, but this is a year of adjustments and flexibility. By the way, the staff member and his family who had the coronavirus have all recovered. The visitor who had the coronavirus is recovering along with their family.
On August 21, we are still hoping to host the Annual Missionary Care Golf Invitational. All the proceeds from the players and sponsors goes toward the Missionary Care Offering. We hope many will participate again this year.
Speaking of the Missionary Care Offering — since April, we have helped missionaries with over $110,000 during this COVID-19 pandemic. This has primarily gone toward the deputation missionaries and those who have seen shortfalls in their support to the point of affecting their personal level of income.
The September National Meeting has been cancelled. However, they are planning to have some Zoom meetings and recordings of speakers during the afternoons of September 14-16, 2020. We will keep you informed when we know how things will work out.
So, since there is no fall meeting, we may have to do our fall approvals virtually like we just did. We have four couples who are preparing to be approved in the fall.
In these difficult times that we face, I think of Psalm 46 which tells us of three great resources to help us. First, we have a Refuge in God. Nothing moves or changes Him. He is not affected by a virus or anything in this world. He is the rock and cannot be moved. He protects, provides, and prepares us to withstand the attacks of the enemy. Second, we have a River that is the supply of spiritual power available from the Lord. Through the Holy Spirit we can overcome. Third, we also have a Revelation – “Be still and know that I am God.” Someone wrote and said it could also be said, “Relax and know that I am God.” Let God work His will and way and we just join in with Him and what He is doing to reach the world with the Gospel.
You have an important role in His plan. He called you to go and tell. In these dark times the Light of Jesus in us can shine brighter. Don’t be afraid, we have a Refuge, a River, and a Revelation!
Have a wonderful, fruitful month!
Your friend,