Over the last nine years the BBFI Mission Office has partnered with Gallagher Risk Management to assemble the many components of the BBFI Medical Plan. Gallagher works closely with International Medical Group, Intana (Emergency Evacuation), Standard Life and others.
Gallagher has been listed in The World’s Most Ethical Companies for several years. They care about our missions team and work hard to provide quality products and keep them running efficiently.
Gallagher has recently made available a Wellbeing Website to all of their clients.
“This website is designed to offer a broad range of wellbeing solutions and resources. Each month in 2018 will provide a focus topic, awareness poster and activity. Our ultimate goal is to improve the health and wellbeing of your employees. We encourage you to use these solutions and resources to promote wellbeing at your workplace.”
This site will provide monthly resources that can be downloaded and used to promote good health and encourage healthy habits.
Please take a few moment to look at the site and take advantages of its resources. https://navigatewell.wixsite.com/gallagher