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About Advanced Mission Training

(formerly called Missionary Candidate School)

Advanced Mission Training is our training program for current missionaries and newly approved missionaries. While our missionary training primarily focuses on individuals going to the foreign field, we have expanded the concept of mission training to now include pastors and youth pastors.

During Advanced Mission Training, daily sessions are taught by pastors, missionaries, specialized professionals, and Mission Office staff, specifically tailored to the various phases of the missionary process. Attendees are exposed to topics such as BBFI philosophy, financial reporting, spiritual preparations, writing support letters, interpersonal relationships, ministry on a foreign field, what pastors and churches expect from the missionary, children and family life on the field, media, personal safety, and more.

Our desire is to send well-prepared and highly qualified church-planting missionaries around the world as they fulfill God’s call upon their lives. The expansion of the Advanced Mission Training program will continue to fulfill that goal for our missionaries, while offering pastors insight to the challenges, preparation, and expectations of the missionaries their church sends out.