The BBFI Missionary Cares Act 2020 is making a difference in the lives of our missionaries. With the effects of COVID-19, we have seen some of our churches struggling with income because of the loss of jobs by their members. This in turn has affected their ability to give to various ministries, including missions.
Every year, many of our churches give to the Missionary Care Offering to assist missionaries in times of need. Recently, I shared the plan to help missionaries with any shortfall in their personal support levels for the months of April through July. In addition to helping our deputation missionaries financially in May 2020, we also helped 19 active missionary families and 29 retired missionary families with shortfalls in their personal support. The total amount given out was $29,935. It is because of the love and care shown by our churches that the Mission Office of the BBFI is able to provide this necessary assistance. I know our missionaries appreciate knowing this assistance is there, if needed, in these uncertain times across the world.
-by Jon Konnerup, BBFI Mission Director