We trust that you have found the monthly Project 938 Resource Packs helpful as you encourage and challenge your people to increase their burden to pray for more laborers in the harvest. At project938.world, you will discover a myriad of valuable resources to help present the needs that exist on each continent where God desires to continue His work. From a full list of high-quality digital elements within the Design Pack, short videos, specific prayer guides to be able to pray more intelligently for featured regions, inspiring mission articles written for the fourth volume of Global Partners, and even a suggested plan on how to integrate it within your worship hour, we can’t encourage you enough to use these free but priceless tools.
In June we featured resources specific to Africa, in July to Asia and Oceania, then in August you will be able to download resources specific to Europe and the Middle East including this video about ongoing ministry to Ukrainian refugees.
We pray that you will take the lead in keeping the need for more laborers before your people and those you influence.
Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.