Mike Esquibel

October 13, 2016

Who is your Squanto?

Fall is one of the things I miss most about living in the States.  The cool weather, all things pumpkin, the scarves and sweaters, the changing […]
October 9, 2016

Missions Is Serious Business

Missions, reaching around the corner and around the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ, is the biggest and most important business we could ever be […]
October 8, 2016

The Next Generation | Advantages of the MK Life

As MKs, (Missionary Kids), we have unique experiences that make us different from other young people. We’ve grown up in different cultures, we’ve experienced different trials, […]
October 7, 2016

What Can “Buffer” Do For You?

One of the social media tools we have started using at the Missions Office is “Buffer”. Buffer allows you to organize, schedule and post to your […]
October 6, 2016

Hannah’s Example Of Faith Promise Giving

HANNAH’S EXAMPLE OF FAITH PROMISE GIVING | I Samuel 1 & 2 Hannah is probably the best example of Faith Promise in the Scriptures. I Samuel 1:7&8 […]
October 6, 2016

How Much Does It Cost?

A lack of finances is often given as an excuse for why we cannot expand our missionary outreach. Yet, how often are our congregations told that […]
October 6, 2016

10 Benefits of Putting Missions First in the Local Church

1. It helps to get our eyes off ourselves and local difficulties and see a lost world. Jesus said, “Lift up your eyes and look on […]
October 6, 2016

The Move, Marriage and Management in Ministry

Moved Out and In We were down to the wire and hadn’t been able to find any rentals that would fit our needs in the area […]
October 6, 2016

Kaitlynne To Guatemala

One of our new missionary ladies, Kaitlynne Ames-Dixon, was approved as a Career Baptist Bible Fellowship Missionary to Guatemala in September 2016. She served her internship as […]