The BBFI Contact Directory is now available free to BBFI churches and to BBFI missionaries. Simply sign into your MyBBFI account and click on the contact directory. All others interested in subscribing, please contact us at 417-862-5001 and ask to order the BBFI Contact Directory. Upon approval you will be supplied with login information.
The BBFI Contact Directory is a compilation of information regarding churches, pastors, and missionaries who give and/or receive support through the World Mission Service Center of the Baptist Bible Fellowship International. It is designed to foster communication among those entities and to enable them to contact one another more efficiently.
This BBFI Contact Directory is no more than a list of self-declared Baptist churches and ministries associated with the BBFI by virtue of a support relationship. However, the Contact Directory is not a comprehensive listing. Not all supporters of BBFI missionaries, colleges, church planters, etc., are listed. For example, some ask that their information not be included for the sake of privacy. The listings are limited to Baptist churches, pastors, missionaries, military chaplains, evangelists, and colleges. In the case of individual churches, the BBFI National Directors have determined the BBFI Contact Directory will contain the names of pastors and churches who:
1. Adhere to the BBFI 20 Articles of Faith
2. Support at least one Fellowship ministry (BBFI missionary, BBFI college, National Church Planting Office, Mission Office, or Tribune)
3. Explicitly declare in their legal documents and/or faith statements that they are Baptist in doctrine and practice
4. Want to be included in the Contact Directory