It is with deep sorrow that we are having to cancel the BBFI Global Meeting in Costa Rica planned for July 6-9, 2020. Our hope was to celebrate the 70 years of God’s blessing upon our Fellowship which originated in Springfield, Missouri and rapidly spread around the world. Unfortunately, because of COVID-19 and the travel bans being placed in most countries, most of our international speakers and those planning to attend from across the globe will not be able to attend. In addition, the people in the churches in Costa Rica may be recovering from the devastating economic affects. After consulting with the president of our Fellowship, Tim Adrian, and the first VP over Missions, Jon Haley, both agree this is the right decision.
So much had already been done to plan for this wonderful, God-honoring event. The believers in so many of the Costa Rican churches have done so much to prepare for the international guests and over 2,000 Costa Ricans. We appreciate their heart and desire to show God’s work among them and their desire to encourage all who would be in attendance. Missionary John Barnes and the leaders of the churches in Costa Rica have agreed unanimously with this decision.
For those who had planned to join the Mission Office package, or to have joined us at the hotel, we will return all payments which we have received. Pray for us as we work with the Convention Center and Hotel to be reimbursed for the deposits we have paid.
At this point, there are no plans for a future meeting. It breaks my heart for the people in Costa Rica because they were eagerly looking forward to this and I know the efforts they have put into preparations for this event. Additionally, the option of postponing this until next year comes with a lot of uncertainty, primarily because we don’t know the recovery time from these dark days that are ahead of us.
May the Lord continue to give us many more years filled with Hi
s blessings as He has given us these past 70 years.
With you in the harvest,
Jon Konnerup