There have been many times this year in which I was ready to call it quits. Ready to go home to AZ and run back to the life I once had, the life I was once very content with. It hasn’t been easy, but God is SO good to me. It’s actually mind blowing how God has taken care of me in this time here in Costa Rica. It’s so easy to get discouraged here, whether it’s with the language or with missing the people that I have had to say goodbye to, to live this wonderful new life.
• Whenever I get discouraged or frustrated with things I run to God. Run to His word. The Truth. •
As a little freshman in high school, standing in front of my church saying “On the trip God revealed the plans He has for me, I’m going to be a missionary one day.” I never would’ve imagined this being my life one day. Having the opportunity to serve in a place as amazing as Nicaragua, surrounded by the people I have come to love, is something that I have a hard time believing. Believing that I actually get to do this for the rest of my life.
As the big moving day (to Nicaragua) gets closer. I get more anxious. It’s definitely a good anxious. Finally getting to the place, the people that I have waited so long for.
My advice for the people while are in a period of waiting, kinda like me. Make the best out of it what you can. Find good people to be surrounded by. I can promise you that you will be disappointed if you sit around and say “I wish I was anywhere but here” and miss out on amazing opportunities to serve where you are. Trust me, there was about a two month period where that is all I did. Complained to my parents and complained to God. Just trust God, have faith. He has put you in that place for a reason and will bring you peace where you are.
Natalie Cooperrider, MK from Nicaragua
(From Natalie Cooperrider’s post: November 6, 2017. To read more of her journey, go to