Konnerup Corner

December 2, 2022

Show the Way

I hope and pray you had a nice Thanksgiving wherever you were. I was in Kenya on Thanksgiving. As countries open and restrictions subside my travels […]
November 8, 2022

Things to Share

It really is hard to believe we are entering November of 2022. In many ways this year has seemed to go by quickly. Before you know […]
October 3, 2022

Our God is Greater

Hamjambo! Hola! Bonjour! Guten tag! Ciao! Asalaam alaikum! Konnichiwa! Ni Hao! Yassou! Selam! Anyoung haseyo! Shalom! and so many others… We had a great week of […]
September 6, 2022

New Heights

Looks like we made it through August 2022. I know many of you have been busy with ministry events such as camps and leadership training. It […]
July 7, 2022

Ministry in Ukraine

July is here! It seems like it was February just a short time ago. We experienced a wonderful time at the recent annual Missionary Family Reunion. […]
June 2, 2022

Still Rejoicing

June is here and that means in less than two weeks the annual Missionary Family Reunion will start. It is the week of June 13-18. We […]
May 3, 2022

The Light Of God’s Word

It’s already the month of May. Around here, that means the May Fellowship Meeting is upon us. It starts early in the month on May 3-5 […]
March 28, 2022

Strong and Courageous

I pray this letter finds you well. We have received very positive responses regarding our plans for the new building and retired missionary housing. The land […]
February 24, 2022

New Developments

I would like to share with you an exciting announcement concerning the BBFI Mission Office. God has blessed our finances through the years under the leadership […]