I am really excited to share the new bbfimissions.com website with our network of missionaries, pastors, and churches. This is not just a new look, this […]
Final preparations are underway for our second children’s mission curriculum installment entitled Destination: Latin America. As a result of the many positive comments we received about Destination: Africa, […]
With so many relying heavily today on technology, there is no better time for you to get better acquainted with the incredible missionaries of the BBFI […]
We find ourselves in some unprecedented times for sure. COVID-19 has become a global pandemic and, as a result, nations and local governments are taking extreme […]
Our Communication Card is designed to help pastors and churches connect prospective missionaries with the BBFI Mission Office. We can then reach out to those individuals […]
The response we received from 2019’s launch of the children’s missions curriculum, Kidz4Missionz, has been overwhelmingly supportive! Destination: Africa was implemented in a number of churches throughout their summer […]