Dan Moore is known for his gentle presence, kind words, faithful service, and cheerful encouragement for the believers around him. Getting to know his and Sharon’s […]
What could be more enjoyable than pairing the partnership we have with BBFI missionaries in getting the Gospel around the world with a great game of […]
Mike & Melanie (Ivey) Shaw – South Korea Mike and Melanie Shaw were accepted into the WIN program through the Baptist Bible Fellowship International to the […]
The Mission Office staff would like to wish you a most blessed Christmas season as we celebrate the first coming of Emmanuel. Because of the Christ […]
On October 24-25, 2023, the BBFI Mission Office hosted a student event for the students of Baptist Bible College. During the two-day event, students were challenged […]
Fred and Joyce Davis were approved as Baptist Bible Fellowship missionaries to Taiwan in February 1971. In September 1990 the Davises changed their field to Canada. […]