Our MK program has had a productive year encouraging over 350 MKs of the BBFI!
In 2017, we have been able to:
- Distribute t-shirts to many of your children – “We LOVE that the BBFI Missions Office LOVES on missionary kids!!! It is a tremendous blessing to know that there are many people lifting them up in prayer as they deal with the difficulties that come with growing up and living in a different culture. THANK YOU!!!” – comment from Missionary. If your MK has not yet received their shirt, please be sure to stop by the office the next time you are in the area.
- Send gift cards to college freshmen MKs to help with setting up dorm/college expenses.
- Offer the “Returning Well” workbook and mentoring for MK teens transitioning to the US.
- Give welcome gifts to each young child whose families were newly approved as missionaries, including an MK companion to travel and track states with during deputation.
- Launch our first year of Kidz4Mkz which introduced MK life to thousands of children during VBS and other children’s programs over the course of summer 2017. Forty-seven (47) churches participated with over 4000 children who were taught how to pray for MKs and how they can be a missionary to their world. Thus far, over $22,000 has been raised through VBS/Children’s program offerings to help us with our goals for future ministry to your wonderful missionary kids!
- One Children’s Director reported – “A little girl’s Grandma told me the story of how on Monday night after the little girl went to bed with her Kidz4Mkz bracelet on, not realizing it glowed in the dark, she called out in surprise to her Grandma saying that her bracelet was glowing and that it was God reminding her to pray for her missionary kid when she said her prayers.” Another Director told us – “We absolutely loved the MK cards. We had children asking for more cards with different children. Parents were even excited that their children were praying for those children at night”. One small congregation wrote, “we were thrilled to be able to raise over a thousand dollars for Missionary Kids. Our goal each year is to take on a mission’s project and teach our children to be givers, not just receivers. It was our privilege to help in this project.”
We are looking forward to the ministry opportunities ahead! Please let our MK team know how we can best serve you and your family!