Medicare Open Enrollment is every year between October 15 and December 7. You will most likely be bombarded with ads telling you time is running out! Sign up before it’s too late! Act now!
If you are an ACTIVE missionary, PLEASE DON’T enroll or sign up for anything! Active missionaries are required to stay on our IMG medical plan which protects you 24/7 on and off the field. Your original Medicare Part A & B are primary when stateside, IMG is your Secondary and includes your prescription coverage.
If you are RETIRED and living stateside, you may choose to disenroll in our IMG Medical plan and enroll in a Medicare Supplement & Part D (prescription coverage) or Medicare Part C also known as an Advantage Plan. There are forms we need you to complete to disenroll from IMG. You should not have any other plans in addition to IMG, only Original Medicare Part A & B.
Please contact Nancy Gaines ( at the Mission Office if you have any questions or concerns.
If you have enrolled in a Medicare plan or Part D, and have not disenrolled in our IMG plan, please contact Nancy to review your options.