Hello Missionary Friend,
Let me get straight to the point. I would like to ask a big favor of you: Would you please consider NOT using Facebook’s giving platform Network for Good for your fundraising campaigns? While it is very user friendly for both the donor and the one who sets up the particular campaign, for the non-profit processing the funds (BBFI Mission Office) it is not so easy. Many times over the past couple of years, donations that come through the Mission Office are not clearly marked with the donor’s name; and, more importantly, to whom the donation is to go. To further complicate things, trying to obtain this information from Network for Good is nearly impossible as calls and emails end up in a virtual abyss. This has been a great source of frustration for the staff in Contributions and for my office as well because these funds often do not get to the intended recipient. This is but one of several examples of problems we have experienced with the Network for Good platform.
We have made great strides to improve the look and function of our online giving platform. I would humbly ask that you (re)direct potential donors to your particular page within the Online Donation site. If you need the direct personalized link you can find this information on your myBBFI, or by contacting Kena Mann at kena@bbfimissions.com
Thanks so much for your consideration and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions either by phone or email: bgarrison@bbfimissions.com.
Serving with You,