-by Pam Konnerup
Do you ever feel like a lot of what you do on a daily basis isn’t really what others would consider ministry? Sometimes it’s easy to get bogged down by the load of the daily “to do list” of our lives, and we can feel like “What am I even doing here on this mission field?”
I remember experiencing some of those feelings as a missionary in Kenya. We served there for five years before our daughter was born. I was super excited to be a mom, and it was something for which I had longed and prayed. But after the fact, I didn’t realize how all-consuming motherhood was! I remember wondering if I was still making a difference since I couldn’t do all the “ministry” things I had done before.
The scripture from Colossians 3:23-24 was, and still is, an encouragement to me when I feel down because I don’t think I’m “doing” enough. It says, “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.”
Whatever I am doing—cooking, cleaning, running errands, washing clothes, ironing, doing dishes, as well as teaching children or women, taking part in English classes, taking the car to be serviced—whatever I do, I need to do it enthusiastically, as to the Lord! I can imagine Him right there with me, watching me, because He is there! Don’t worry about what other people think about what you’re doing—everyone will have their own opinion about what you should or shouldn’t do—but as we “do” what it is He has given us to do, let’s do it for Him. How exciting and motivating to know that one day—we WILL receive the reward of the inheritance, because we are serving the Lord Christ. He knows all and sees all.
I think it’s really cool that as Paul wrote this passage, he was speaking to wives, to husbands, to children, and even to slaves and masters. Slaves didn’t have a lot of say in what they did on a daily basis, but Paul gave them a new perspective and encouragement that even what would seem to be tedious and menial work could be redeemed for a greater glory—for an inheritance—something they probably would not have in this life, but could bank on for eternity.
So my missionary friends, whatever your situation today, wherever you are and whatever you are doing—“do it” heartily, to the Lord, knowing one day you will be rewarded for your labors!