Since 2009, the BBFI Mission Office has produced a publication known as Global Partners which features inspiring stories and articles centered around BBFI missions throughout the world. Twenty-six editions were originally published as part of The Tribune, then beginning in 2019, the series moved to a stand-alone publication of the BBFI Mission Office. Articles by countless missionaries, pastors, church staff and lay leaders have challenged individuals in the pew to become more concerned about the lost condition of our global population who have in some ways become easier yet harder to reach with the gospel.
We have now provided you quick access to past editions, where you can download them for distribution to your church family thus encouraging them to increase their level of involvement in the commission we know as “Pray, Give, and Go”. When you log into your myBBFI account, you will see a folder marked “Global Partners”.
From articles highlighting our earliest missionaries, to special editions featuring BBFI Chaplains and the Cebu, Philippines and Seoul, Korea international meetings, you will see the diversity of what 70 years of missions has accomplished through the partnership of BBFI churches with individuals who have surrendered to take the gospel to the regions beyond.
For the latest edition centered around Project 938, please contact our office for distribution.