This is a phrase I have heard many times over the past several months. My recent travels have afforded me the privilege of spending valuable time with pastors and churches in Texas, Kansas, Missouri, Colorado, Florida, California and Michigan. When given the opportunity to present the vision and work of the BBFI Mission Office, I always say yes. Whether it is a one-on-one conversation, or an in-depth and informative presentation, it is always a thrill to share how we serve and minister to the missionaries and churches of the BBFI.
Some are encouraged by the quantity of services provided to our missionaries, while others focus on the quality of the work the Mission Office accomplishes, being able to do “so much with such a limited number of staff.” We consider it a great honor to be the “Bridge between those who give and those who go.” From Design Packs to timely helps for the sending church and pastor…to providing financial and legal support, as well as spiritual, physical and emotional care for our missionaries…the Mission Office is ALL IN!
Might I suggest a few ways to keep up with and discover all that the BBFI Mission Office can do for your church and missionaries:
*Spend some time on our website:
*Like and follow all of our Facebook pages: BBFIMissions, WorldInitiativeNetwork, 9:38 Challenge
*Schedule one of the Directors for your annual Missions Emphasis, or any occasion, to preach missions and share the vision of the Mission Office with your people.
*Host a Regional Meet and Greet with a Director(s). We will assist with the invitations to local pastors, setup, and, provide a meal for all who come. All in attendance will be able to participate in a detailed presentation about the Mission Office and walk away with some valuable missions resources.
Don’t hesitate to contact us at 417-862-5001.
Brian Garrison
Associate Mission Director