As we approach this season of giving thanks, most of our BBFI missionaries will be on the field commemorating in their own style the uniquely American holiday of Thanksgiving. In order to demonstrate our appreciation for the sacrifices they have made, particularly at a time which tends to be quite lonely for them, there are specific things we can do to support them.
If you asked each one what they would ask for the most – it would be for prayer. Prayer encourages and strengthens them more than anything else. In addition to prayer, the following are some simple ways that you can encourage our missionaries during this Thanksgiving season. I know this will be a great way to help them know they have an army of people behind them to help them be successful on the front lines.
1. Send “real mail.” “Real mail” is always special. It is a more tangible reminder that people love and miss them and are thinking of them. Anything like a card or handwritten letter goes a long way as it can be reflected on over and over. Ask them for prayer requests, then follow up with them. Your genuine concern will be a blessing to them.
2. Pray for the people the missionaries serve. Send a message to the missionary and let them know that you are specifically praying for the people within their reach to be receptive and accepting.
3. Recruit others to pray for those located within a missionary’s physical area of service. It encourages them to know that there are people going to bat for them and raising more prayer support for the work. Let them know you are doing this and genuinely interested in the results.
4. Send them updates and pictures (by mail or email). They want to stay connected to you! Share updates on family, school, work, life, sports—whatever it is they have interests in. Send church news and church bulletins.
5. Go visit them with the purpose of serving and encouraging them in their work.
6. Seek to encourage them when they are on stateside furlough. Invite them to your church. They want to share what God is doing through them in their country. Your people will be a great encouragement.
7. Send a friendly, brief video message. It can be one person or a group. Do something fun or say a prayer. Seeing friendly faces goes a long way.
8. Think of other unique ways to show your appreciation and support for them. You might even send a financial gift for them to do something as a couple or family that they don’t usually get to do.
I can guarantee that anything you do to reach out to your missionaries during this Thanksgiving season will be a huge encouragement to them. We are thankful they have answered the call to go to those without the Gospel so let’s show them our appreciation. Thank you in advance for whatever you will do.
-Jon Konnerup, BBFI Mission Director