We know changing something big (like what address a donor should use to send in your monthly or one-time support) is like trying to turn a train around, but here are some points for you to review about the closing of the Kansas City lockbox for your contributions:
In order to help the change go smoothly, you as a missionary should:
- Email all your supporters about the change. If some of your supporters already use the Springfield PO Box, that’s great!
- Change the address on your missionary letter and other forms of communication as soon as possible.
Our strategy in-office to expediate this changeover is already happening:
- We are automatically sending out return envelopes with the Springfield PO Box number.
- We are including notes with each receipt about the change and have put notice stickers on the outsides of the envelopes to grab their attention.
- We have posted about the address change on The Bridge email, which goes to donors.
- We are telling donors verbally as we speak to them over the phone about their gifts.
- We will keep the lockbox open for a while longer to avoid gifts getting returned.
- After the first of the year, we will start making phone calls to donors who are still using the lockbox address.
As we work together on communicating out this information to your donors, the result will be a good outcome, saving the Mission Office funds that can be redirected towards other expenses. Thank you for your help in making this happen!