(a recent prayer letter received from Levi & Chelsea Wilson, South Sudan)
This month has come and gone so quickly, but we have much to share! Our month began and ended with individuals going from spiritual darkness into God’s glorious light. We had thirteen people come to know Jesus in May! Praise God for His goodness! Also, my parents were able to come see the ministry and be a part of what the Lord is doing here in South Sudan!
There are many “Joys” in the ministry, but the one that brings us so much happiness is seeing new believers see their importance in reaching others for the cause of Christ. We have mentioned Khemisa before, she is a new believer, but is growing quickly in her relationship with God. She continues to invite her neighbors to church and these neighbors continue to get saved! On a Sunday after church, Khemisa introduced Chelsea to Rose. They sat together with some of the women in Chelsea’s discipleship group. As they talked it was clear that this neighbor, Rose, did not know Jesus as her Savior. In fact, one of the women in discipleship, Charity, asked her if she knew Jesus as her Savior, and she said “no.” Chelsea showed Rose from the Bible what it means to be saved. The women who are going through discipleship wanted to help Rose understand salvation. When she asked Rose if she wanted to pray to receive Jesus as her Savior, she said “yes.” Within the group was Mama Iche, who attends the women’s Bible study and discipleship, but was still not saved. Chelsea asked if she was ready to get saved, and she said “yes.” These women got saved that day! It was so neat to see each part the new believers who are attending discipleship played in helping Rose and Mama Iche come to know Jesus as their Savior! These women are learning how to tell others how they can be saved. Praise the Lord!
This month we enjoyed our first baptism service since being on the field. It was a great time of celebration as we sang praise songs while driving to the river. Then we watched the five believers get baptized as we sang praises to God! It was an extra special time for my parents to be able to witness these new believers taking their first step of obedience. We also had a crowd of those who were at the river come to see what we were doing. The next day we had a visitor come to church named William. He said that he heard us singing on the bus and found out we were from the Bible Baptist Church in Khor Wolliang. He came to see what our church was all about. In Sunday School he asked questions and enjoyed participating in our services. This was a reminder to us that you never know when someone may be watching. So, we should live our life in a way that brings others to Christ.