Missionaries Needed for Candidate Interview Process – May 1
It is our goal to involve as many of our missionaries as possible in the missionary approval process of the Fellowship. If you are a BBFI career missionary who has served at least one term on the field and plan to attend the May Meeting, please consider participating in the candidate interview process by serving on one of the sub-committees. Mark your calendar to join us on Tuesday, May 1, at 12:45 PM in the Boonstra Chapel at the Mission Office. Please contact Bro. Konnerup’s assistant, Carole Miller, if you are interested in serving on a committee.
Missionary Luncheon – May 2
Make plans now to attend the Annual Missionary Luncheon in the Boonstra Chapel on Wednesday, May 2, at 12:30 PM. This luncheon is for missionaries and their families. The cost is $7.00 for adults, $3.00 for children age 2-12 and FREE for children under age 2. Reservations are a necessity since the meal is catered and the amount of food ordered will be based on the number planning to attend. Please contact Carole Miller by email, in person or by phone (417-862-5001) to make your reservations by Monday, April 23.
Visit www.bbfi.org or refer to the Baptist Bible Tribune (magazine or website) for more details about the May 2018 National Fellowship Meeting.