Deputation is when a missionary visits and ministers in churches in order for those churches to partner with the missionary in the work of the Great Commission. This is the first major opportunity missionaries have, after they are approved, to present the work to which God has called them. Deputation can be very challenging, but for those who approach it with the right perspective, deputation can also be a very rewarding time. Jon Konnerup, BBFI Mission Director, recently spoke of the three ways God uses deputation in the life of a missionary:
When missionaries understand the way God uses deputation in their lives, they can focus on deputation being a ministry. It should be a time of winning souls and ministering alongside the churches who have invited them to share their work. Here is what Shane Salmon (BBFI career missionary to Thailand) and Esteban Alvarez (BBFI career missionary to Uruguay) had to say about their time on deputation:
“Having the opportunity to go to churches was amazing and honestly an unexpected blessing. We saw people saved during the services, surrender to missions, and we gained countless prayer warriors. The opportunity to promote missions and also highlight the country God called my family to was priceless. Over the two years we traveled around the U.S. raising support, we shared our burden in 120 churches—that is 120 opportunities to share the need for the gospel in Thailand and around the world. It was also a time to build friendships, promote missions, encourage people to take mission trips, and share the gospel. Our time on deputation was truly a time to see God work, not only in the lives of those we met, but in our lives as well. Because of deputation, we were able to come face to face with the people whose faithful prayers and sacrificial giving have continued to make our ministry possible.” Shane Salmon
“Deputation must become a missionary’s current ministry. A missionary cannot wait to arrive on foreign soil to begin ministering to people. Each encounter while on the road is a God-ordained opportunity for the missionary to impact a life. Whether it is speaking at a local church, talking to a gas station attendant or fast food restaurant employee, the people on your path need the Lord as much as the people on the mission field.” Esteban Alvarez
If you are considering becoming a missionary and have questions about deputation, we are here to help. Please reach out to Craig Stevenson at 417.862.5001 or and he will gladly answer any questions you may have and get you started on the road to becoming a BBFI missionary.
(Article originally appeared in Global Partners : Project 938 edition. If you would like information on how you can order copies of this edition for your church families, please contact our office.)