Join us on Thursday, May 1, as we celebrate BBFI Missions 2025. Since 1950, BBFI Missions has been “the strong right arm of the Fellowship.” In conjunction with BBFI’s 75th anniversary, Missions Day will include the following highlights:
At 10:00 AM, in the Fieldhouse on the Mission University campus, Mission Director Jon Konnerup will share details of a new mission recruiting video series being released this year, 30-year and 50-year awards will be given, a preview of the newest documentary coming for Project 938 Sunday in October, and an exciting report on the width and breadth of BBFI Missions around the world over the course of the past 75 years. All BBFI missionaries in attendance will be recognized at the end of Missions Morning.
Make plans now to attend the Annual Missionary Luncheon in the NEW Mission Office Event Center, located at 4100 West World Mission Avenue, at 1:00 PM. This luncheon is for missionaries and their families. The cost is $12.00 for adults, $5.00 for children age 2-12 and FREE for children under age 2. Reservations are a necessity since the meal is catered and the amount of food ordered will be based on the number planning to attend. Please contact Carole Miller by email, in person or by phone (417-862-5001) to make your reservations by Monday, April 17.
Visit for more details about the May 2025 National Fellowship Meeting.