Greetings from the Mission Office!
The software conversion we have been working on for the past two years is finally getting closer to an official GO LIVE date. The company we are transitioning to is WMTek and they work with over 200 mission organizations. They offer much more than just data storage, and that aspect alone has required various accommodations that have added extra time and effort to the conversion process. However, in exchange for all that extra time and effort, we are confident that this conversion will result in a much better user experience for not only the Mission Office staff, but also for you and our donors. Plus, the online giving will be much better and easier.
We sent some information a few weeks ago about switching over from myBBFI to myToolbox. The URL is Your credentials changed slightly from myBBFI. Your username/missionary number will start with a leading five (5) instead of a leading zero (0). Your password is the same you used on myBBFI. If you need help with this, contact Kena at We will assist to make this process as smooth as possible.
Thank you,