One of the primary roles of a BBFI Field Representative is serving on the Mission Field Committee alongside Mission Director, Jon Konnerup. This committee is especially instrumental in assisting the Mission Director with the Candidate Interview Process that usually take place at the May and September National Meetings. This past year, however, has been particularly challenging due to coronavirus, so the approval process looked a bit different. Meetings had to be conducted on various virtual platforms, but everyone rose to the challenge and did all they could to get our missionaries approved and well on their way to raising their support and eventually on the field serving.
In addition to assisting with missionary approvals, the Field Reps function as an advisory council to Jon Konnerup in matters concerning BBFI missionaries. They are also encouraged to get to know the missionaries in their respective fields and find ways to encourage and minister to them. Likewise, missionaries are encouraged to take time to reach out to their Field Rep — introduce yourself, share some key aspects of your ministry, let him know how he can pray for you and add him to your list of Prayer Letter recipients.
Field Reps serve a three-year term and approximately a third of those terms expire each year in September. Mission Director, Jon Konnerup, is tasked with contacting pastors to fill the vacancies that are created each September. This year’s new Field Reps will serve in their respective fields until September 2023. CLICK HERE to see a list of the current Field Reps along with the year their current term expires. Missionaries or pastors can contact the Mission Office at any time to request Field Rep information.