We are excited to announce the launch of the first in a series of mission curricula for children called Destination: Africa! With our soft launch at the National Meeting in April, we have already seen several churches eagerly purchase their own kit for immediate integration in their church. This 10-week curriculum is versatile enough for summer programs, Wednesday night programs, an add-on to Awana or Children’s Church, a series leading up to Mission Conference/Emphasis time…the possibilities are endless! Some kits have already made their way to the mission field where BBFI missionaries are training children there about missions!
The Destination: Africa Starter Kit comes with a fully detailed Teacher’s Guide, 60 – 8 1/2″ x 11″ posters, 10 MK videos and 25 full-color Student Workbooks designed to reinforce each lesson which highlights the ministries of BBFI missionaries.
For more details including pricing and sampling, go to our new Kidz website: http://kids.bbfimissions.com!!