During the May Fellowship Meeting, two new couples were approved to serve as Career Missionaries for the Baptist Bible Fellowship International. We are very pleased to introduce you to the following:
Andrew & Kelsey Perez (Philippines)
Having grown up in a Christian home and becoming a Christian at a young age, it was not until a mission trip to the Philippines during Andrew’s senior year in high school, that it became clear that God was impressing on his heart the need to take the gospel to the nations. When BBFI missionary Lance Gotcher challenged Andrew with this statement after seeing two individuals come to Christ during a service, “Never forget this moment that God would use somebody as messed up as us to change somebody’s eternity,” in that moment he knew that if he ever decided to do anything else but that, he would be disobedient to God. The Perezes completed their internship at Granbury Baptist Church under the leadership of pastor Lonnie Lehrman who will now serve as their sending pastor. To connect with this exceptional couple, please contact them at andrew.perez@bbfimissions.org.
Aaron & Lani Stephens (Philippines)
Beginning at a young age on a mission trip to Guatemala, God began to separately call both Aaron and Lani to serve Him in full-time ministry. After coming to Baptist Bible College and soon after traveling on multiple mission trips to the Philippines to work with Lance and Melanie Gotcher, it became very clear that God wanted them there. With a heart broken for a people who are rich in religion but are desperately poor in a true faith in Christ, they are very eager to return. Aaron and Lani served their internship at Midway Baptist Church under pastor Grant Staubs – they are proud to be their sending church. We encourage you to contact them at aaron.stephens@bbfimissions.org.