In various parts of the world spring is just around the corner. For many families, this signals the final quarter of the school year. For those home schooling, I decided to look at and see what newer resources are available. Here is what I found:
Cursive Logic. Does your child’s school or curriculum still teach cursive? Some experts think this is an outdated mode of communication, but others feel it is still important for children to learn to write in cursive. Cursive Logic is a 14-week program designed for all ages to learn this writing style. There are companion products that include learning to write poems, speeches and other writings including that of presidents. The first set is $35.
Breaking the Barrier is a high school world language learning course. The two featured languages are French and Spanish. The cost is $150 and includes online resources.
Chicken Scratch books are pre-teen and teen novels that instill positive character traits. These also come with online resources and are designed to be used as a four-to-six-week study. Each set sells for around $21.
Remedia is a reading program designed for older students who may need help learning to read. There are many workbooks and topics to choose from. Some sell for as little as $12 each.
Thank you to Barbara Downs (Ivory Coast) for alerting me to a new family resource for those preparing to move overseas. Worlds Here and There is an activity book for children that can be used for the whole family. Find it at their website It is $16 plus shipping on Lulu. If you have any home schooling or other educational resources you are excited about, let me know and I can share them in an upcoming blog post. Those that are home schooling or managing their children’s education at a national or missionary school while living outside their home country are doing a difficult job, and we want you to know we salute and appreciate you for your dedication and hard work.
God Bless You!