Greetings from Springfield. It is good to be back home again after my trip to Uganda. It was a blessing to spend time with the Daniels and also to see pastors and churches take ahold of world missions. They loved the idea of Faith Promise Giving and will be incorporating it into their churches.
My trip back was eventful. Because there was an Ebola outbreak in Uganda, the US government made anyone who had been in Uganda recently change their flights and fly into one of four cities. I was flying into Dallas which was not one of their designated cities. So, I flew into Washington DC and as I was approaching immigration upon arrival, I was escorted by a CDC official to a reserved area of the airport where they took my temperature and interviewed me about my trip to Uganda. There were some interesting questions asked of me, but I passed. Whew!
After getting through immigration, Pam informed me that many flights had been cancelled or delayed due to the FAA shutdown because of a computer glitch. So, my flights were changed, and they rerouted me to Charlotte where I had to spend the night and catch my flight early the next morning to Dallas and then home to Springfield. I arrived home 62 hours after I left for the airport in Entebbe, Uganda. This is probably the longest trip I have ever experienced. Isn’t travel fun these days?! I’m sure many of you can relate.
I am looking forward to the spring Mission Conference season. Maybe we will see each other at one of them if you are in the states at this time.
The property for the Mission Office building project has been cleared of the trees and soon the leveling and preparation work for the infrastructure will begin. Check out my podcast that posted on January 24 on our YouTube channel — BBFIMissions.
I was thinking today about the importance of praying for one another. I know many of you pray for each other. I would like to encourage us all to pray for all our missionaries and care for each other. With the exception of the CAN, you can use the BBFI Missions App for a list of all your fellow missionaries. Here are a few thoughts on this. We can do this in at least three ways. First, simply “be there” as a friend to encourage another missionary. Second is give direct help. If you know another missionary is in need, be ready to help. Third, pray. Sometimes this is all we can do. And yet, it is so important that we lift each other up in prayer. Pray for a greater alertness and sensitivity to those you know who might be hurting. I pray for all of you often. I don’t know all your needs and struggles but thankfully our LORD does. That is why I go to Him on your behalf!
Your friend,