-by Steve Bender, Associate Mission Director
The following was received from our Security Sources that I wanted to pass along to everyone. It is common sense information but sometimes it helps to be reminded.
Event: (Health) Airport Plastic Trays Source of High Levels of Viruses
A recent study conducted by the European Union (EU) revealed high levels of viruses are present on the plastic trays used at security checkpoints. The most common virus found was rhinovirus, which causes the common cold. Also detected was the influenza A virus. Interestingly, no respiratory viruses were found on toilet surfaces.
Other places with the highest concentration of viruses were on shop payment terminals, staircase rails, passport/ID checking counters, children’s play areas and in the air.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 30-70% of travelers will suffer some type of sickness when traveling, depending on destination.
FSA Application: Personnel traveling through airports and other transportation hubs, should as a precaution –
Prepared by: jet
Source: OSAC, media