(This is the third segment in the series of BBFI Mission history. Click HERE for Part 1, and HERE for Part 2.)
In 1986, Dr. Bob Baird became our fourth Mission Director. The Bairds had previously served as missionaries in Jamaica. He served for 19 years and his vision was to reach the unreached people groups around the world. Our mission force grew under his leadership. We have missionaries who minister in six countries in the Middle East and other places known as Creative Access Nations.
The African continent has been a productive field for the BBFI. Our first missionaries to Africa were Elmer and Mary Deal who went into the Congo in 1957. Soon after, missionaries entered countries like Ethiopia. These were very difficult places to minister and can still be today. Wars, communism and nationalism forced many missionaries out of those countries. However, because of recent changes, BBFI missionaries have now been able to return.
Africa is a large continent with billions of people. Our church planting missionaries have reached into both large cities and remote rural areas with the Gospel. It is exciting to see what God has done through the efforts of our missionaries in Africa. The BBFI now has 52 missionaries serving in 13 African countries. God had greater plans than those of the opposition.
(to be continued)