It’s that time of year when many people make resolutions. Oftentimes those resolutions tend to be self-focused. Normally we think of things like exercise more, eat less, save more dollars, take more time off, accomplish some long-delayed goals, and generally make this year more productive than the last one.
These can all be good and beneficial. However, I would like to encourage you to think global with your resolutions this year. This will enable you to intentionally make an impact for the Lord around the world in 2025.
Here are some resolutions to consider. These don’t have to be resolutions but just everyday practices in our lives. My goal is to do each of these. What about you?
1. As I spend time in God’s Word daily, I will look for ways that I can see God’s heart for missions.
From Genesis through Revelation you will find God’s heart is for people to know Him. Watch for verses and passages that reflect this and meditate on them. God wants all the people of the world to worship Him. What does he want us to do about that?
2. I will pray for missionaries by name at least one day per week.
You may know some missionaries personally that you can pray for. Get a list of the missionaries your church supports and pray for them. Download the free BBFI Missions App for a list of missionaries. The key is to pray consistently for them. Missionaries rely on your prayers.
3. I will learn about, and pray weekly for, unreached peoples.
There are websites that give great information on unreached people groups around the world. There are some who still have little or no witness among them. Check out Read about them and then pray that the gospel gets to them.
4. I will seek to be a witness in my community.
Missions begins at home, especially when God is bringing the nations to us. Participate in your church’s outreach program. Give out tracts and be prepared for opportunities that God brings your way. Find some international people who have moved into your area and get to know them and share the gospel with them.
5. I will intentionally communicate with one of our missionaries once a month.
Missionaries love to hear from people back home. They love to hear that someone has been praying for them. They enjoy hearing how things are going in your church. Send an email, text, or even a card.
6. I will plan to take a mission trip this year.
See if your church is doing a mission trip or watch for one being set up by the BBFI Mission Office. Plan to save the money and time to be a witness on a mission trip to a foreign country. God will use things like a mission trip to strengthen your love and commitment to world missions.
7. I will listen to and read the news through a Great Commission lens.
When you read or watch the news and what is happening around the world, do it through the eyes of God. See what He sees and how the people are in so much need of the Gospel. Pray for them and for our missionaries who minister to them. Let the events going on worldwide lead you to your knees.
8. I will pray the 938 prayer for more laborers.
In Matthew 9:38, Jesus says to pray for more laborers. He has seen the multitudes who needed salvation and the few who were going to tell them the truth. That is the same today. Set your alarm for 9:38 in the morning or night, or both, and pray the simple yet so important prayer asking The Lord of the Harvest for more to go. Many around the world are also praying this prayer with you.
9. I will pray for my church as we work to fulfill the Great Commission.
Pray that your pastor and staff will be a mission-minded church. Pray that the members would follow their leadership in missions. The Great Commission was given to the church. God uses the church to reach the world. Ask God to use your church to help fulfill the Great Commission. Commit to giving financially to enable your church to do more in missions.
10. I will honestly consider and answer the question, “Is God calling me to be a full-time missionary?”
Every believer should be willing to ask and answer this question. Every one of us should be ready to go but willing to stay. However, if God does not send us to the regions beyond, we must still be part of missions by praying and giving. Pray that God would send your kids to serve on the mission field. Are you willing to go?
There is a lot here that I have suggested. It might seem a little overwhelming. Perhaps you can’t do them all. However, do one or a few and let God use you to be part of the Great Commission. The idea here is to do something for world missions.
-by BBFI Mission Director, Jon Konnerup