Someone once said, “If you had no winter, spring would not be so pleasant.” After the past few weeks of bitter cold weather and snow, spring looks so good right now.
I would like to inform you of our new 938 Podcast that happens every Tuesday at 10:00 am CST on YouTube. You can find it on our channel — BBFI Missions. You can also watch them at a later time if you miss the LIVE broadcast. “Like” it and subscribe to our channel. We will be keeping people informed of all things BBFI missions as well as interviewing missionaries and pastors. I hope you will check it out.
On March 2, we will have a special podcast promoting Project 938 and we will be sharing more details about this important initiative for our Fellowship. Please watch it live or at a later time.
Also, I want to mention that it is very important for you to always keep your mailing address current with us. This helps with communication and for sending important documents. We have had several 1099s returned because the addresses were not current. Also, let us know when you travel back and forth between your country and the US. This is only so that we know how to get in touch with you if needed. In addition, pastors ask us often for names of missionaries on furlough to have them come to their church.
Well, does it feel like things around you are changing quickly? Are you having to make a lot of adjustments right now? I am. I wish travel was like it was and I wish the ministry was like it was. Thinking back on it, travel was so much easier than it is now or will be for a while. I know so many of you are just trying to figure things out until “normal” returns – if it ever does. The Apostle Paul has a good word for us in Philippians 4:11: Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
Our circumstances can change many times when unexpected. In this verse, Paul is talking about being content. Recently, one of our missionaries wrote that he was content in the state of Florida because the weather seemingly everywhere else was cold and icy. Nice one. You know who you are. 🙂
Real contentment actually comes from within. Warren Wiersbe says that the word Paul used in that verse is best translated as “contained.” In other words, we don’t have to depend on the things around us to be content because we have the power of Jesus inside us. And then he says in verse 13: I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. So, we have all the spiritual resources within us to courageously face these unprecedented times, the lasting pandemic, our changing world and unique times of ministry. We have all we need for these “crazy times.” In fact, Paul says, “I have learned…” We have learned that we can make it because of the difficulties we have faced in the past.
Remember, Paul wrote the book of Philippians from a Roman prison. Yet, he writes about “joy in the Lord.” We too can have peace and patience to endure these times knowing we have a task we have been called to. You might be thinking that things are so different now that you can’t do ministry like you used to, or you can’t stay on the field, or you are stuck in your country or stuck in the US and can’t get back to your field. Maybe, you started thinking of giving up because of all the changes and wondering how you will endure these uncertain times. Don’t forget, like Paul, you CAN do all things through Christ Who strengthens you. He is with you always – even until the end of the world.
PEOPLE STILL NEED THE LORD! You are an essential vessel in God’s hand right where you are – according to His plan. Don’t be fearful and uptight with what all is going on. Have peace and patience because the power of Jesus Christ is in you. So, there you go. You can successfully handle the situations we are facing in these times. God is with you all the way!
Let’s all remain “content” right where we are. You remain in my prayers!
Your friend,