If you plan to be stateside in September, you’re encouraged to attend the September Fellowship Meeting which will be hosted by Antioch Baptist Church, Kansas City, MO. The dates for the meeting are Monday, September 20 through Wednesday, September 22. The Missions Service will be held on Wednesday morning.
Missionaries Needed for Candidate Interview Process – September 21
It is our goal to involve as many of our missionaries as possible in the missionary approval process of the Fellowship. If you are a BBFI career missionary who has served at least one term on the field and plan to attend the September Meeting, please consider participating in the candidate interview process by serving on one of the sub-committees where we will be reviewing three couples for approval. Mark your calendar to join us on Tuesday, September 21, at 12:45 PM. Please contact Bro. Konnerup’s assistant, Carole Miller, if you are interested in serving on a committee.