Last month was a pretty hectic month with the May Fellowship Meeting occurring right at the beginning of May. Planning for all the meetings I am in and even leading takes a lot of preparation. Therefore, I was not able to prepare a letter to send you the first of May.
The May Fellowship Meeting was a good meeting that was well attended considering the pandemic and restrictions. The spirit was very good and positive. The Missions Morning was a blessing as we presented six 50-year globe awards. These missionaries have been faithful to their Lord and King. We also approved two couples and two singles as career BBFI missionaries. Two single ladies were recognized as new WIN missionaries. We presented Project 938 and I am thrilled with the response we have seen from churches in the States who have said they will participate.
I have sent out emails to you about Project 938. If you would like to promote it in your country to national pastors and leaders, let me know if I can send a letter with more information.
Two weeks ago, I had the privilege of being the Commencement speaker for the graduation exercises of Boston Baptist College. They weren’t sure where this even would be held right up to the week before due to Covid restrictions. However, they were able to hold the event in the historic Old North Church. It was neat to meet there and also speak in such a famous place where some presidents and other leaders have spoken.
The Missionary Care Golf Tournament was a success with the most teams we have had to date. Next year will be our 10th tournament. It is scheduled for the middle of May.
The next main event for the Mission Office is Advanced Mission Training (formerly called Candidate School). It will be the week of July 19-23. Pray for the new missionaries as they learn about the Mission Office, Quarterly Reports, and many other items concerning missions. Thanks for your prayers for us as we prepare and present these many sessions.
As things begin to return to a new normal in most places around the States, I know things are still not normal around the world. Many of you are still dealing with restrictions and adjusting to different ministry issues. I pray for you daily. Thank you for remaining faithful to your calling and for being steadfast in your service. It may not seem like it, and you may not hear this much, but I think you are awesome, and I admire your faithfulness and steadfast spirit. These are very uncertain times and yet you know, as well as I do, that God is still in control. So, we might as well keep serving Him, right? Thank you!!!
Your friend,
Jon Konnerup