The month of January had some nice days weather wise and a week or so of some very cold days. The good thing for me is that when it was bitterly cold, I was in Dubai and Kenya.
I went to Dubai to visit churches started by Filipino missionaries sent from churches in the Philippines started by our missionaries. It is amazing to see how God is working and reaching people there. I spoke in a mission conference, church anniversary, and several weekend services. 13 people were saved at the church anniversary service.
Then, I flew to Kenya to speak in a pastor’s seminar on world missions. There were 270 pastors from Uganda, South Sudan, Rwanda and Kenya who attended the seminar. It was a blessing to spend time with about 20 of the pastors I had trained over 30 years ago. It was a joy to have a meal with our missionaries in the Nairobi area and then preach in the last church Pam and I started. It will be celebrating its 29th anniversary this April. One lady was saved after the message.
The building project is moving along – although with some snags that keep delaying the progress here and there. The Event Center could be done near the beginning of March. Churches are already interested in having youth events there focusing on missions.
The short-term apartments are getting close and should be done in one month. We are looking at furniture for these. The retirement apartments have had delays by the inspectors. It seems they are just trying to make things difficult for us. Would you pray that we could get over this hump so that we can start the insulation and then drywall for these seven apartments?
Would you also pray that our fundraising efforts would be blessed by God. Churches and individuals are still giving. It would be wonderful to have this project through phase two paid off by the May Fellowship Meeting where we will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the BBFI.
Here’s a little plug for a recent book published by our missionary to Japan, Ken Board. He writes:
My new book, Cherry Blossoms and Tidal Waves, is a collection of 216 stories concerning events that happened to me or around me during my 53 years in Japan. Some stories, such as The Last Cry of the Dying Rooster, Murder by Baptism, and Stephanie’s Revenge will make you laugh. Other stories, such as The Letter That Arrived Ten Years Later, Forgotten, and Where Are They? may bring tears to your eyes. Available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. If you like the book, please give me a good review.
History is moving toward the day when Jesus will be acknowledged by all as the supreme ruler of the universe. He already sits in that seat of power but has not yet brought the universe fully under His authority. We live in the days of grace, during which He draws people around the world to acknowledge Him as Lord willingly rather than by force. Isn’t it great that He still provides that opportunity? Isn’t it wonderful to be a part of His plan and to serve Him by sharing the gospel where God has placed each of us? What a privilege it is! Keep up the great work, keep your eyes on Jesus, and know that He is with you always!
Your friend,