Recognizing the valuable opportunity available and having a desire to hone their skills of communication, six missionary couples gathered at Camp Pondo located in the San Bernardino National Forest in Southern California, November 5-10, 2022.
During the week of intense instruction and evaluated speeches these twelve men and women applied themselves to learn new skills that resulted in being able to communicate the message of the gospel with passion and their vision for ministry on the mission field with greater clarity and focus. These skills greatly enhance their effectiveness while on deputation/furlough and ministry in the countries to which God has called them to minister.
Personal comments from attendees include:
“This workshop helped me a lot. I have preached for years but never received honest feedback to help me improve my effectiveness.”
(Male on deputation)
“As hard as this process was, I am so incredibly thankful for the opportunity. Before I felt completely unprepared for deputation. Now, I know how to use the tools taught to clearly communicate our vision, goals, and messages.”
(Female on deputation)
“I have always struggled with public speaking but now I have the tools I need to make a memorable impression when I do speak.”
(Female on deputation)
“This workshop was beyond my expectations. I learned how to write an effective lesson and I learned how to deliver that lesson with clarity. Now I have the confidence for teaching and speaking on the deputation journey and in my future ministry.“
(female on deputation)
Every pastor training a Missionary Intern in his church should include the Missionary Communication Workshop as part of their internship because of the benefits to be gained.
These same benefits apply to deputation and furlough missionaries, reminding us that it is not too late to grow as we carry out the Great Commission.
Now is the time for all Intern, Deputation and Furlough missionaries to mark your calendars and register for Missionary Communication Workshop scheduled for November 5-10, 2023. MCW cost is totally free, the only cost to the missionary is roundtrip travel to Southern California.
For more information or to register: