It is always quite interesting to see what Missionary Connection articles over the course of a year rise to the top in the number of clicks which indicate what is of paramount importance in the minds of missionaries. After reviewing the performance of nearly 100 articles posted during 2024, these are the ones that mattered the most to you. (By clicking on each heading, you have the opportunity to either reread the article or catch it if you missed it the first time.)
Being the ultra responsible citizens that you are, you had great interest in complying with tax regulations that come down from Uncle Sam. Living overseas and managing foreign tax returns is no small feat but, thankfully, you have Finance Director, Brian Garrison, to help keep you informed. As always, please don’t hesitate to contact our office on how we can assist you in navigating the challenges that are unique to you.
Of great importance to you is the acknowledgement of significant milestones in the ministries of your co-laborers as seen in this article highlighting 30-year and 50-year awards given out this past year. While many feel the need to step out of leadership for various reasons, it is always uplifting to see those who have “stayed by the stuff.” Longevity in ministry truly has its exponential and eternal rewards.
Number three tells us that you have great interest in staying connected with the pastors who have committed as Field Reps to investing in your lives and ministries. It is heartening to see you taking advantage of the input of those who have accepted this role in addition to their own pastoral responsibilities. Surrounding yourself with godly men will ultimately result in a healthier you, family, and ministry.
Your enduring interest in each of the quarterly updates on status changes for your fellow laborers speaks volumes as to how much you care for one another and your ministries. Who can better understand the excitement of a first arrival to the field, or the emotions grappled with through a resignation or retirement phase than each of you who are, or have been, on this same path. All four of these articles (links below) were of equal importance to you which represents that you are undoubtedly consistent in your support of one another.
The number one article for 2024 with the most reads is that of when new missionaries are approved by the BBFI. Every single or missionary couple that is approved represents more who are answering the call to take the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth. You understand more than anyone the excitement and the extraordinary step of faith into the unknown that they are taking. Your words of cheer and prayers of strength for them are highly valued.
There you have it! Feel free to drop me a line anytime with suggestions regarding future articles or anything you have read that has been thought provoking. ( Happy Reading!