On Monday June 3, the BBFI Mission Office hosted the Missouri BBF State Meeting. It was a joy to welcome nearly 30 pastors and their staff to our new facility. The entire meeting had a unique international flare.
The meeting began with a very tasty catered lunch of Indian cuisine. After lunch, the meeting began with Mission Director Jon Konnerup presenting the various services provided by the Mission Office, followed by an intriguing presentation on our calling as ministers of the Gospel to transform cultures all around the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Next, some business was conducted along with a time of prayer centered around some very specific areas. We were honored to have Dr. Richard Lewis as our special guest that day. He gave a challenging presentation on the need to be actively reaching our own “Samaria”, as commanded in Scripture. All were encouraged by the message.
Upon completion of the meeting, all who were present walked away with a couple of free books and many stayed behind for a guided tour of the new facilities. It was a very good day!
-by Brian Garrison, BBFI Associate Mission Director