We’re all thankful for our essential, frontline workers right now. However, I am much more grateful for those who remain committed to the missionary work during this pandemic. There is nothing more essential than sharing the salvation message of the gospel with a lost and dying world.
As frontline workers in the Great Commission, you have been called by God and supported by churches to take the gospel to the nations. You do this in the good times and the bad times. During this terrible global pandemic, your work may look different in some ways, but it definitely hasn’t stopped. It must not stop! Missionaries are essential workers and we pray for you!!!
There were a few interesting guesses on the use of the little bubble leveling gadget I showed in my last video. Well, I used it when I was on deputation and my first few furloughs. It is the size of a slide and I used it to level my multi-projector unit during set up so the slides would project the same. It could be placed in the slot for slides or in a tray. Now, I have not used it in a long time, but it was useful in the day.
As I mentioned in my last video, we are going with a new company for our two Apps. The MyQR App will be the first to be updated and improved, fixing the many bugs issues you are currently experiencing. Hopefully, you will see these improvements soon. The BBFImissions app, used by churches and individuals, will also migrate to and be supported by this company. For more information, read the article in the most recent Missionary Connection.
As you watch the news while dealing with this pandemic, there is much speculation about development of a vaccine for COVID-19. It is as if once that happens, then everyone will be safe and life will return to normal. However, there is no guarantee of a vaccine. Missionaries have much better news to share than any vaccine. It is an eternal, life-saving message. Your testimony and message are one of repentance and faith – faith in what Christ has already done on the cross and the power of His resurrection.
Philippians 3:10: That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;
That message must get out there for all to hear and believe. The message of Jesus is the greatest news to report during this pandemic. I am so grateful you are out there making this happen. Be assured that we are here along with your supporting churches and friends to help you spread this Good News. You are much appreciated and prayed for! Hang in there!
Your friend,
Jon Konnerup